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I have no words.

You really wore a dickey? I thought those were just for Saturday Night Live skits!

LOVED this!

And you are so right about the Converse

Dawn Martin

That last paragraph is wonderful. So wise and true. Thanks for sharing this!


Holy moly! That last part got a sob out of me. That's truth right there.


Nester - Wore the dickey. And the orange socks--and pants were shorter then so you know, more glory.


Thanks Dawn!


Rebekah - I'll bet you'd keep your same journey (or most of it) too, wouldn't you. Thx


I love the way you write and how you're supporting Emily in hers. Love this idea of writing a letter to my teenage self. I scribbled away paragraph after paragraph while sitting in my front porch rocker yesterday. I left it tucked away in my journal, though and think that's where I'll keep it for now. Thanks for sharing yours : )


Pam - Thanks - and I double dog dare you to show it to someone!


This was a very cool letter. I read your daughters' blogs and also I read your daughters first book. This was written so well, you have a nice way of writing and this letter seemed so at ease, I could imagine you talking to your teenage self. Thanks for sharing!

emily freeman

Your blog ate my comment I left earlier. I basically said you're a great writer and I only wish your letter was longer because I pretty much didn't want it to end.

And also I think you should make Mom write a letter. I'm dying to know what she would say.


Thanks Stacy!


Em -- chomp chomp. Thanks for the encouragement. I told your mom - she says she wants to write to her 30-year old self. I told her to write to her teen self warning her about her 30-year old self :)


This letter made me smile. :)


I hope you're going to participate in '31 days' again this year! I have tried numerous times to write you an email to express just how much Scary Hope meant to me. But I can't find the words. Your blog during '31 days' last year kicked off a wonderful year of scary hope for me. I still don't have any answers or conclusions, but the journey thus far has been life giving. Can't wait to hear what you might have to say this year!


Joanna -- thanks for the kind words! Glad you see scary hope as a wonderful journey cuz it sure is. Yes I'm doing 31 days this year, and I hope you are too.

Online GED Diploma

I love watching old pictures

Alyson Cooney

I've been biting my tongue for some time trying not to tell you that I don't think those were groceries. I think they were bags of Easter booty. I don't believe I was ever dressed in red velvet to go to the grocery store. You would think I would have something more philosophical or inspirational to say about your post, but the bags are what was on my mind.

OK, that and I'm waiting for a new post.♥

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