I'm looking for a few readers for "From Beer to Eternity," a Kindle ebook of how a life can change radically. That life was mine, and by the way, I think everyone should write their story.
This is a little backwards -- usually you ask for readers before the writing is done, to get feedback to make it better, and I'll probably do that in the future.
In this case the ebook is already written and edited. It's an update, expansion, and refinement of the link on the sidebar on the right.
I'm looking for feedback that I can use in the book description on Amazon, so when potential readers see the book they immediately see what others think.
Your words could influence someone to get the ebook and read it and then who knows what might happen. I know what happened with me and it changed my life. You could be a small part of that with someone else.
You don't have to write a review on Amazon -- it's not there yet (but I'd love for you to do that when it gets there!). Just send me an honest review of what you read. I'll pick a few words to include on the book page. No promises that I'll use yours, but know I'll read it and it will help.
You don't have to say something good, but I'm obviously going to pick good ones (if I get any) for the book page because, you know, I want people to read the book!
It might be more interesting to you if you're familiar with addiction, either your own or someone you care about. You can read it in an hour or less.
I'll send you a simple PDF of the ebook. That doesn't mean you're committed -- you don't have to do anything, and I won't follow up with you. Just write a review if you want to.
If you want the free PDF and know darn well you won't write a review, that's great too -- I'd love for you to read it. Just ask and don't feel guilty. And feel free to pass it on to anyone you want.
You can request the PDF by emailing me at garysmorland-at-gmail-dot-com. Then if you write a review, just send it to the same email. I thank you, and future encouraged addicts and their families and friends thank you.
(You can also get "Scary Hope: Courage and a kick to hug hope, face fear, and get going" on Kindle now for 99-cents. Read it all in 75 minutes and be encouraged)