I do it often. Maybe not arguing as much as talking.
Almost always it's when I'm trying to understand where someone is coming from or convince them of something that I think they just don't get.
I think it's normal. It's part of your effort to understand it all yourself, to sort it out. It's like sifting -- you want to separate the big rocks from the little rocks and the sand. It takes time.
You can go too far with this
When I find myself repeating the same things over and over in my head, having the same conversation, making the same arguments, I know I'm crossing over to the dark side.
The dark side of control
"If I just think hard enough, talk to myself enough, work hard enough, I'll be able to make this thing I'm dealing with turn out the way I think it should. I'll understand. They'll understand. And I'll have peace."
Those faux conversations are useful up to a point. They help you gain some perspective and insight, and they help you rehearse a real conversation. All good.
Problem is, it's NOT a real conversation. It's all just you.
You're imagining what the other person is thinking and saying. You're making it up! You don't really know!
And for me, I subtly transfer trust for the results away from God and to my own powers of logic and persuasion.
When that conversation in your head starts repeating itself, that's the sign to
And trust
so well said. it truly is the dark side, away from God's light, perspective, rest.
You have been used of God this past year - thank you for sharing.
Posted by: Sammi | Monday, May 14, 2012 at 04:38 PM
Oh, yes, I do! And one day I actually realized I AM NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT. Whew...that took a lot of pressure off. It's not my job to change anyone's mind, make them think like I do, change their habits, etc. But, sometimes I sure still want to. If I'd take all the energy I put into trying to change/control the people around me, and use it to change myself, we'd probably all be happier!
Posted by: Nancy | Thursday, May 17, 2012 at 09:04 PM
Enjoyed this post....well, I actually enjoy all your posts.
Posted by: hmk | Wednesday, June 06, 2012 at 12:01 PM