For 99 cents. But just so you know, it will also be free on Kindle a few times in the near future. (You can only give eBooks away on Amazon in doses.)
You can read it all in 75 minutes and find courage and a kick to hug hope, face fear, and get going.
Why might Scary Hope be for you or someone you care about?
Because you're not here to live a disconnected, depressed, non-contributing, helpless, excuse-filled, humdrum life. That's hopelessness.
Because inside you is the drive to create, contribute, connect, and leave a mark. That's hope.
Because we all need stories that encourage and challenge us so that we'll acknowledge that drive within and cooperate with it. But that's scary.
If you're doubting, stuck, or hoping for you-don't-know-what, then this is for you.
Scary Hope started as "31 Days of Scary Hope" on this blog last October. The free PDF had over 1000 readers but is now disabled in order to be part of the Kindle Select program which requires exclusivity.
Click HERE to get Scary Hope on your Kindle
You can also read it on the Kindle app for your phone, PC, or Mac.
If Scary Hope is new to you, click HERE to see a summary and excerpts (that might be enough for you). You'll even find a few videos and links to stories that were not able to be in the PDF or Kindle versions. Or send a friend there if you think it will help them.