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Joy Manoleros

More than okay. And we are the benefactors! Keep 'em coming, Gary.



Gary I love your confession!
I couldn't quite figure how you were getting to me and what my hopes are about. And then, pow, you let the secret out! The words you are giving are truth. It's your truth and I believe in your truth because it is mine also. With the busyness of life, I just needed someone to tell me. Thank you. I "hope" you will continue to post. It's really good stuff!


Wow. It's always a journey we need to remember even when we've walked it, huh? This series has meant a lot to me. Thanks for sharing.


I've really looked forward to each post.


I am sincerely glad you talk to yourself, out loud, on the internet. I have really enjoyed this series...(though enjoy is maybe the wrong word...I haven't been giggling along with the posts with a tub of popcorn in hand, for example.) But what you have been saying is very pertinent to my life right now. I am so glad you have extended it.

Carol H.


I also talk to myself so I can relate.

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