« From beer to eternity: yes, people change. I did. | Main | Finding hope beyond the end of hope »


Abbie Knaub

"he won’t stop being who he is, even at the risk of losing his hope"

I've been thinking a lot about being real to myself and those around me - even at the expense of mt "good girl" reputation. Bet you know where I got that. :)


Dang! You had me going with that opening line! :) An interesting tidbit of history I'll remember when we (with the kids) study US History this year.

I also appreciated your testimony—raw, honest and powerful. Looking forward to 25 more days of great posts! Thank you for sharing.

Dixie Redmond

And the interesting thing, he had the same character before and after. It was the circumstances that changed, not him.


Wow! I'm enjoying reading your blog - and I'm not a blog reader to start off with.
I got the link to your 31 Days of Scary Hope from a friend and will add, I'll be reading the rest of this to the end.

Thanks for sharing!!

remote control helicopter reivews

Swich to wordpress, make your blogger nicer. -My 2 cents

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