That little voice in your head is relentless. Mine tells me that I’m a disorganized, procrastinating, undependable loser. It tells me that until I solve that, I’m stuck, I’ll never be able to accomplish anything and hope will stay far off. I’ve believed this for years.
Ignore that negative voice behind the curtain
William F. Buckley wrote over 50 books plus two newspaper columns a week, gave 70 speeches a year for 40 years, hosted a one-hour weekly TV show that was on longer that Johnny Carson, founded a magazine, mobilized a movement in the 60's that led to Ronald Reagan becoming President, and was awarded the Medal of Freedom.
But his office was a mess.
If my office looked like his, that little voice would be screaming at me that I don’t deserve anything until this thing is cleaned up, and then I’d spend all my time failing at it and getting nothing done. I don’t know if Bill Buckley heard that voice, but if he did, I doubt he had time to listen. He was too busy doing what he was supposed to do.
You can’t be perfect at everything. Stop trying
See him in there?
Thanks for reading. To start at the beginning of 31 Days of Scary Hope : encouragement to go from IS to COULD BE, click HERE.
Thank you for this - I get stuck here. I'm working on quieting that voice.
Posted by: Diane | Monday, October 24, 2011 at 07:12 AM
I so, so, so love that picture of William F. Buckley in his office. OH YEAH. Thank you for sharing that. And for the encouragement to stop trying to be perfect at everything. I think I'll go take pictures of my laundry now. I already too pictures of my dishwasher with dirty dishes.
Posted by: Dixie Redmond | Monday, October 24, 2011 at 07:26 AM