When you want to get close to someone you spend time with them. Small-talk and a quick hi-how-ya-doin are fine for casual relationships, but if that leaves you unsatisfied you need something else.
Spend unrushed one-on-one time together and without trying you will know them better and grow closer. It happens with people and with God. It doesn't have to be every day. But if it's never, then that might be part of a sense of distance and separation you feel.
You can download a free little ebook I wrote about a personal experience of doing that one-on-one listening and pondering. If you read this blog regularly, then you may have read it last year, but here I've compiled it in one handy-dandy package. It's short, maybe 10 minutes of reading.
You can copy it, print it, email it to anyone you want. May you get to red far more often than I do!
that book is a great read... Thank you for sharing it with us. I'm going to get into the red tonight!
Posted by: Lea Anne Wood | Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 06:07 PM