Pick any urban or suburban street in your area – maybe the one you live on – and as you drive up and down that street everyday, what do you see? And you see it so much you don’t notice – it’s so commonplace: stores, jobs, workplaces, companies and businesses. Churches, homes, schools, government offices. And each one has an owner, manager, supervisor, team leader, pastor, coach, principal, dad or mom.
Each place has someone there responsible for the place – someone in charge who gets in trouble if things fall apart. Someone who cares more or worries more about the thing. Someone responsible for making sure the purpose of the place gets done. Someone responsible for creating order and avoiding chaos.
And each of those people in charge answers to other authorities – someone in the city, state or federal government; someone in the denomination or school board, the church board or corporate headquarters.
Is there anyplace where this is not so? Any country or culture? Any tribe or village or family or club? Is there any time when this has not been so? Even back when there were only two people on the whole earth, one of them did the naming of things, including naming the only other person. One had the authority. And when he neglected his authority, the one over him came looking for him demanding an answer.
Everybody’s got someone watching over them, someone they answer to – no matter how far up in the chain you go. You could make a case that you could be an absolute dictator and report to no one but yourself, but there is also revolution and assassination which would be another form of accountability.
Every person is in and under authority, somehow, someway. The whole earth is filled with systems of authority.
More of The God Show. We’re on the authority channel. The previous post is HERE. You can find out more HERE.
The God Show is five channels (in addition to the Bible) that don't change over time or according to culture, where God's ways, invisible attributes, eternal power and divine nature are clearly perceived but often missed: 1. Nature, 2. Authority, 3. Family, 4. Marriage, 5. You. Really, he's all over the place.