Maybe it’s easy for you. Not me. I’m a Master Complicator. MC’s try to see and solve everything at once (in their heads), and end up not seeing anything clearly. It’s about as smart as trying to cram a couple dozen eggs into a 12-egg carton.
If you love to follow formulas you always come against something the formula won’t fit. And if you hate formulas (like me) and refuse to let them into your life at all, you end up covered with egg-yolks. But, while thrashing around in several areas (home, work, church, self – you know, everything) I stumbled onto this lifeline:
1. Trust – that God knows, cares, is in total control. That he’s working everything for good. That he loves you.
2. Don’t grumble – not outside, not inside.
3. Be grateful. Can you walk? Talk? Breathe? Eat? Any of those? Anything else?
4. Be obedient. Do what you think you should do, based on the Bible. Don’t do what seems to bother your conscience.
So for now, I’m just asking myself as I go thru the day – Am I trusting here? Am I grumbling? Am I grateful? Am I doing what I know I should? If I keep those 4 in line, I might stay in a good place for awhile, and be more useful.
Number 4 is really hard for me at times (like i don't struggle with them all) and maybe, for me, is the most dangerous because when i let emotion and feelings like quilt or greed guide my thinking, when i retreat from something just because i think it's hard, i'm sure to be tossed back and forth and never really land or be solid in anything. Emotional influence is a way i take my life back from God and means i am thinking more of the comfort i *think* i can give myself, more of being "happy" (which is a total trick) than of the peace God provides so much better.
i also think obedience and discipline go a long way in bringing about the other three. Not that i have achieved any of them, of course, but then the trip is the thing.
i really liked this entry. It may even earn "posted on the fridge" status (where much wisdom lands eventually).
Posted by: alyson | Friday, October 02, 2009 at 04:52 AM