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i write down a lot of things, too. Mostly because i have a short term memory problem and a serious one, as in i can recall my fifth birthday party but not what i had for lunch yesterday.

i'm terrible at organizing these notes and lists and flashes of insight, but i find that just the act of writing them down at all helps. The very fact they are not all neat and tidy actually means that just by chance i run into them all the time.

So, now and then i come across a couple of lines scribbled on a napkin and because my memory is so poor, it may take me a minute to even realize that i wrote it, but when that happens, it nearly always changes my day.

i find God spills small things, puts them in my path at just the time i need them. i just have to make sure to make the notes and the lists that He can use later. i even catch myself smiling at times as i write, wondering how He will use it one day and the very act of putting it on paper can make it more memorable to begin with.

Funny how little shortcomings can sometimes work out pretty well, huh?

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