I’ve always heard that when you’re a Christian and maybe a big influence, or effective, or a strong follower of Christ that the devil goes after you. And that the devil leaves the weak alone because he already has them ineffective.
In the animal world – God’s creation – predators first go after the weak, the sick, the old, the young, the ones on the fringe, the ones lagging behind on their own. They leave the stronger ones alone. Well, that’s what Discovery Channel says. Predators have the image of might, viciousness and intimidation, but they always go after the easiest ones to pick off. Maybe that’s part of their viciousness – they’re merciless towards the weak.
In the Bible, Satan is compared to a lion, a predator looking for someone to devour. Protection comes in resisting him, being strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might, being sober-minded, watchful and firm in the faith. Being strong keeps you from being devoured.
So what could this mean when a person who seems strong falls? Is it possible some are weaker than you would expect based on their reputation, influence or what you see on the outside?
Another thing I’ve always heard is that when trouble and challenges suddenly descend on a godly person it’s an ‘attack of the devil’ -- again, because they’re threatening to be effective. This make sense. You hardly ever hear people attribute the trouble and challenges of striving godly people to the Lord.
Then you remember that attacking Job, the godliest man in the East, was not the devil’s idea. It was God’s. And Job did not fall. But it doesn’t seem right to say if you fall it’s the devil attacking the weak, and if you don’t fall it’s the Lord strengthening you – that seems as simplistic as those other things I’ve heard. Maybe it’s both. It’s just something I’m wondering about.
I just recently stumbled onto your blog and have enjoyed your thought process so much. I thought you might enjoy hearing that God has used you to be blessing in my life. You have caused me to truly THINK. Taking several of your blog posts together in my mind (one about marshmallows, one about when Christians disagree, this one about why there are struggles)two scriptures popped into my mind. When I read Job, I sometimes think what his friends are telling him sounds accurate to me (there is a way that seemeth right unto a man) and then I read where God says Job 38:4 "Who is this that makes my purpose unclear by saying things that are not true?" This is a reminder to me to search the scriptures and listen to God's voice and not what others say about him. Then I remembered the verse about why the man was born blind. Jesus said John 9:3 "It is not this man's sin or his parents' sin that made him blind. This man was born blind so that God's power could be shown in him." To me that seems to be the key. It is ALL about bringing glory to the only One who merits it. So whether we have troubles or ease we should be always praising God and bringing glory to His Name. Thank you for helping me think about the things of God.
Posted by: Laura Taylor Glunt | Wednesday, July 01, 2009 at 09:01 AM