Have you noticed when you spend lengthy time with people, from family to just acquaintances, say several hours or even days, the end of your time together is very different from the beginning? It starts out a bit stiff, and then you go thru some things, meals, activities, even bumping heads some, and without noticing it you get into a rhythm and a connection that wasn't there when you started. Usually you don't realize it until you're done and saying an emotional goodbye.
There's no shortcut to that connection you sense at the end. It builds and grows thru what happens as you spend time together.
You may notice the same kind of thing in any thinking or creative thing you do -- it takes time to "get in the zone" and interruption is your enemy. And it's the same with REM dream sleep -- there are stages of sleep you go thru before you get to the dreaming, and if you wake up, you start over. And REM sleep is important: people who get too little can be depressed.
It can be the same with God.
I notice there's a place I get with God when I've been thinking and reading and listening and praying for thirty minutes or an hour or more. And there's no shortcut. I can't get there in five minutes. It's like after five minutes it's blue and then later it's green and after an hour or more it's red. If there's any interruption, I have to start all over. I do the five minutes all the time, and it's important and worth it, but if I don't do the longer I never get to red. And I need red.
But, hey, I'm busy. How'm I supposed to find time for a regular, lengthy me & Him? There's just no way. I'm thinking maybe His reaction is, "That's OK, I'm not mad at you and I still love you, and you don't have to feel guilty, but I'm not changing this natural law. I put it there on purpose -- guess why." If you need red, there's only one way to get there.