Is that how high the heavens are above the earth? Or are the heavens everything beyond the earth even farther than can be measured? However far it is, THAT'S how great God's steadfast love is (I was reading HERE) -- and not just love but rock-solid-steady love -- "toward those who fear him." I'm taking that to mean just for being a believer, but I'm also going to take serious that my fear/awe of him should possess my soul and not just be theologically in my head.
Then that part about my transgressions being removed from me as far as the east is from the west. He says REMOVED! And taken away! Gone and out of sight! There are some things even in the last week that I've accepted a paltry version of his forgiveness for. I haven't counted it as thorough, boundless, rich, generous, undeserved and immediate.
One of the biggest lies I fall into is I somehow sneak into an area of thinking where I think if I suffer enough for my sin, or despise myself enough, then I'll deserve forgiveness. Then I catch myself -- it's all him and what Jesus did on the cross. My confession and repentance connects me with that forgiveness, but does not earn it. Thank God -- it's instantaneous, already done.
He remembers that I am dust. Thank God again. I needed that so much this morning.
And just like all the dogwoods and other flowering trees here in NC have been so beautiful but are already starting to drop those blossoms which will soon be replaced by leaves and forgotten, so am I here now but gone soon. But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting.
Bless the Lord, O my soul.