Some of the people Bernie Madoff ripped off want him to go thru a long trial. They say he's hiding money and protecting people and they want all that to come out. But he's not been charged with that.
The things he has been charged with, he's plead guilty to. To every single charge. But some say he's just trying to avoid the prolonged torture of a trial.
If the purpose of a criminal trial is to determine guilt or innocence, then there's no need to determine what's already been admitted to.
When you know you're a dead man, all you can do is admit it, don't fight it, accept what's due you and hope for mercy, without any right to expect or demand mercy.
Guilty pleas finalize things and put your fate in the hands of the judge. And there is a judge who does what to some must seem so unfair; but the one it's most unfair to is the one who is innocent yet pays for the crime, so that justice really is done and so that
if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness -- 1 John 1.9