Do you know this man? I didn't realize we had photos of him. We should, though; he grew up while Lincoln was President and there were photos then -- I always thought he lived way before that.
They called him "the redheaded madman." After he died, they started calling him a genius. He tried to love people, but few loved him back. If you get famous, people start saying you were misunderstood, but maybe people at the time perfectly understood and you were just a hard person to love.
He wanted to be a minister, but flunked. He only did the work he's famous for for 10 years -- and most of his fame came from what he did in the last two years of his life. He was only 37 when he killed himself.
You know how you hold your digital camera out and take your own picture? He did the same thing...
Happened upon your blog through a link from your daughter's blog. There's a special place in my heart for Vincent.
Posted by: Maclain | Wednesday, January 07, 2009 at 09:11 PM