You might do any or all of that when you read Stuff Christians Like. Or maybe you might send him a suggestion. He comes up with new ones every day. Here's an example of Stuff Christians Like:
#58. Calling people "seekers."
Dear person that does not go to church,
I don't know how to say this, but when you're not around, we call you "seeker." We say things like, "what kind of music will seekers respond to?" or "is that drama seeker focused or not." And when you show up on Sunday, if our church is small enough, our seeker spider sense tingles a little and we really hope the service reaches you.But before you get mad, please know that the alternative is to call you "lost" or "unsaved" or "sweaty philistine." OK, we don't say that last one. A lot. But my friend Joel said something to me tonight. He said, "you know who the lost were in the New Testament? They were the people Jesus hung out with and loved on the most."
So tonight, even though I'm in marketing and I might want to treat you like a target audience or a demographic, I'm retiring the words "seeker" and "lost." From here on out, I'm just going to call you "the people Jesus loves."
THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting this and I hope you also are CHOOSING not to judge because church is so hard for me.
I have a piece that I wrote that I want to share with you if you want to read it about WHY church is hard for ME. I'm a cyber-friend of Nester's.
As I sit here in tears I know this is a sign from God that I read your blog TODAY, for THIS post because I've often thought of heading over here but something always got in the way, now I know why.
Posted by: Darla | Friday, April 11, 2008 at 04:50 PM