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I was so glad to see this. I just wish they hadn't left out my favorite phrases in the beginning..."My Jesus, My Saviour..."

anna conley

The next days was even better because they resang it using Jesus instead of shepard. Thats the best thing I've ever seen on TV. I've noticed some changes in Simons deminer this season and with Jordon selling cds that are Christ centered....You think Simon found Jesus? Anything is possible


This is really a great statement on just how God uses even American Idol to worship Him. Praise the Lord.


This is a great statement of just how God can use the world's American Idol to woship Him. Praise the Lord and shout to Him.

Daryl & Judy

WOW! God is doing amazing things in these days!! who knows maybe simon did find Jesus looking for him, like zacheccus in the tree!

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