Maybe the second-best take on the fall of the Governor of New York that I've read -- from one of his former professors: What I couldn't teach Spitzer at Harvard Law --
One of the hardest things for parents to teach their children is that actions have consequences. Kids think they're immortal. Parents know better, which is why we hound them about not smoking, about not drinking and driving, about seatbelts and drugs and punch at parties. We want our children to grow up feeling that they are special, but not so special that they assume the rules don't apply and the odds won't catch up to them.
To run for high office, you have to view yourself a little differently than most of us view ourselves...But you also need to remember not to buy into the idea that you really are different. You have to resist the almost irresistible intoxication of power, the part of it that might leave a mere mortal believing, as 16-year-olds do, that they are something more...
The best take might be HERE.