...you will turn to mush -- if the voice is of your child 5 or 10 or 20 years ago. We still have an old cassette or two of Christmas long ago. It's better than a photo for bringing to life the reality of the past thru the sound that was once so normal and everyday. You forget how incredibly precious they were and wonder, how did I ever take those days for granted? Of course, you're on that recording, too, and for me it was jarring hearing the pre-believer Gary talking about things that seemed sooo important then. Here's how another guy is recording dinner conversations on purpose
The beauty of digital recorders is that you can capture hours and hours of audio without swapping out cassette tapes or changing batteries (not very often, anyhow). So, I decided to set the recorder in the middle of the dinner table and just capture everything...I would be captivated to listen to any one of these dinner sessions a decade from now....