He didn’t just try to say something that sounded good. He didn’t try to use what he said to make money. And he didn’t look to be recognized and honored, even though he deserved it and could have demanded it.
He had been to this incredible place nobody else had been to, and had been told things nobody else had been told (and by God himself, one-on-one), and even before that he was already far ahead of most everyone else in knowledge and intellect. So how did he treat people?
Like he was a momma. And a daddy. He was like a gentle mom with her kids. He was a dad, encouraging and urging them to live lives worthy of God. It made him happy not only to share the truth of what Jesus Christ had done for them, but to share his own life, his whole self. He had a dear, fond affection for them. He loved them.
He worked extremely hard, day and night, so he wouldn’t have to depend on them at all, and so that nothing would distract from the benefit he wanted to be to them. He showed complete integrity in his life with them, with nothing to hide; he had no secret private life that was no one else’s business.
Where did this humble, gentle, selfless attitude toward those who were his spiritual, educational and intellectual inferiors come from? Partially from HERE -- the very thing he asked God to fix.