Not long ago, when our oldest daughter would put her kids on the phone to talk to Poppy, sometimes I'd feel a little funny if I couldn't tell them apart. And she'd be listening with her ear to the phone as we talked to hear what I'd say to 'em. And I'd fake it, like I knew which one I was talking to, 'cuz a good grandpa would never not recognize his own grandkids, right? Then one day she was visiting us without the kids, and daddy called so they could talk to her, and right off the bat she says, now which one is this? (!) Hello! You're the mom and even you can't tell your kids apart? This is normal? I've been living in shame for no reason?
Being a guy, and not allowed in the meetings, I didn't know about MOMMY BRAIN.
My eigth grade english teacher Ms.Allison has been doing so many wonderful things for me. And I have done the same for her. I prayed that she would find what she needs in Jesus Christ. And well, a couple months ago I was Jesus Christ for her by praying that she would see him. So far she has found him! She calls me Lord! Cool! I am only 14 years old! She is very thankful for what I and She has done for each other. Please continue to pray for Ms.Allison and I. She is a gift from Jesus Christ!
Posted by: Hilary Orinson | Sunday, November 05, 2006 at 09:04 PM